Race History
History of The Outback Air Race
The Outback Air Race is Australia’s most enduring air safari, and was first held in WA in 1996. The 2022 event will the 11th Outback Air Race.
The inaugural Mobil Outback Air Race was held from the 10th to the 24th of August 1996. Twenty nine teams raised $130,000 for the Royal Flying Doctor Service before leaving Jandakot, with further funds raised along the way.
“Flynn’s Flyers” were crowned Charity Queens at a gala ball in Geraldton after a fantastic effort to raise over $23,000. The team was made up of Ken Doncon, Peter Bennett, Len Morton and Ray Ness.
The time trial was won by “The Wingnuts”, Bill Bell, Patricia Dicks and Robin Dicks in their Cessna 172. Second by a narrow margin was “XRFDS”, Jan and Penny Ende, with Meg and Alan White flying the Cessna 180 which Jan and Penny crewed 30 years ago as an RFDS pilot and nurse.

The 1998 Mobil Outback Air Race was an outstanding success by any measure. Thirty-one teams participated and raised over $250,000 dollars for the Royal Flying Doctor Service.
Peter Scott and Greg Priest of Two Dogs who had raised $32,880 won the Ron Monkhouse Charity Award. This award is named in honour of a former Councilor and a member of the inaugural Mobil Outback Air Race who died suddenly some weeks before the commencement of the 1998 event.
Spirit of the Air Race was won by Jan Ende and Ken Hocking.
This was awarded to two people who had extended themselves beyond the call of duty.
The Saratoga Saracens (Barry & Judy Matulick and Keith & June Wallace) won the time trial by a narrow margin of 6 seconds from The Colin Yates.

The 2000 Outback Air Race actually broke away from tradition and was run in March instead of August. The Olympics and flying through South Australia were the two major factors for bringing the Race forward to March.
The varied and picturesque route took entrants from the Indian Ocean through goldfields, across treeless Nullabor, along the Great Australian Bight, across Lake Eyre and the magnificent Flinders Ranges before finishing in Adelaide for the Grande Finale ‘Masquerade’ Ball.
Towns and communities in Hyden, Kalgoorlie, Esperance, Forrest, Ceduna, Roxby Downs, Cooper Pedy, Innamincka, Arkaroola, Broken Hill, Leigh Creek, Port Augusta, Jamestown and Adelaide welcomed the outback fliers with true Australian hospitality and all chipped in to raise funds for the Outback Air Race.
Richard Frawley of ‘Team Internet’ who competed in the Race in his helicopter and raised over $80,000 was crowned ‘Charity Queen’ and was presented with the prestigious Ron Monkhouse Memorial Fund Raising award.
The overall Race winners were Ross Scanlon and Belinda Curry of the Whitsunday Wookies in their Cessna 337A.
This year’s Race included all types of aircraft from an Ultra Light jabaru, helicopter and a PC9. 28 Teams and 74 entrants all contributed to raising over $200,000.
On August 13th 2001 the Outback Air Race took off from Alice Springs in the Northern Territory heading for South Australia and traversing two other states for an outback adventure ending up in Mount Isa in far north west of Queensland.
The track headed south from Alice Spring to Oodnadatta and Maree then turning south east towards Broken Hill (to visit Pro Hart), up to Reola Station (Australia’s largest sheep station) onwards to the historic inland towns of Bourke, Charleville (for a vistit by aliens), Longreach (home of Qantas) and Hughenden, before turning towards the coast for a break in the Whitsundays at Shute Harbour (Airlie Beach). A climb back over the great dividing range took us to the Undarra Lava tubes, pushing north to the inland oasis of Adels Grove. The final leg tracked due south ofr a final touch down in Mount Isa.
After two weeks of flying, fun and fundraising, the Outback Air Race 2001 finished in Mt Isa, Queensland. The winners of the time trial are Ross Scanlon and Belinda Curry of Proserpine, Queensland. The pair are Queensland’s only race entrants, and also won the Outback Air Race 2000. On the final day, they were competing against the Western Australian team, the Farcarwees, of Greg Priest and Stuart Norman. Only one second in accuracy decided the winners.
The winners of the Ron Monkhouse Fundraising Award are the Pilbara Pebblemouse, Greg Weatherstone and Linton Rumble of Paraburdoo (WA). The pair raised $7000 – the total amount raised by the Outback Air Race was nearly $87 000.
The winners of the Spirit of the Air Race Award were Noel Schwarz of Ceduna and Ken Hocking of Melbourne. The pair were recognised for their willingness to perform tasks above and beyond the call of duty as well as competing in the air race and volunteering their time – their jobs included parking planes, collecting GPS, carting luggage, and many other jobs.
Competitors took off in wintry conditions from Jandakot on August 16 for the first overnight stop at Wooleen Station, in the Murchison, before heading for the huge runway at Learmonth, near Ningaloo Reef, for a two-day sojourn at Exmouth, where weather-affected stragglers caught up. The race was spearheaded by a PC-12 flown by Pilatus Australian manager Sebastian Lip.
Entrants were much encouraged throughout the event by the ministrations of Father Gerry Gannon and his vestal non-virgins, Sisters Contraption and Contraception (Gina Noblett and Di Brice), who looked on as demurely as he recited the race prayer
“Oh blessed Virgin,
You who have conceived without sin
Teach us to sin without conceiving.”
each evening. It seemed their collective entreaties didn’t impress the met gods, who were still grim-faced when the field took off for Newman. Several entrants speared off for landings at unexpected destinations including Patrick and Janelle DuBois, who thought they’d time-warped into Deliverance.
The weather had improved by the time Race aircraft reached Sandfire, a roadhouse in the middle of nowhere at which the penalty for wearing a tie is to have it cut off and hung behind the bar. Fitzroy Crossing and Halls Creek were the next stops. Race doctor Frank Kotai had his work cut out keeping a couple of our less-fit competitors in the event.
Kununurra gave everyone a chance to relax from some pretty hectic race flying as well as an occasion to make fools of themselves at the Red Faces night, where acts had the mob in stitches. Race legend Ken Hocking set a new record for fundraising audacity when he marched into the police station, holding aloft the Race Leg, and asked for a lift out to the races so he could relieve locals of some of their ill-gotten winnings. The cops obliged, and Ken filled the Leg!
The next stop was Truscott, the most northerly airfield in WA, named after World War Two ace Bluey Truscott. The field is difficult to access because the owners, who operate helicopters for offshore oil rigs, normally discourage light aircraft with huge landing fees, which were generously waived in this case.
The race finished in Broome on August 26, with top fundraisers awarded to CUNNING STUNTS, Peter Ivankovich, Bob Eldrid and Ken Grubelick. Line honours was awarded to Return of the Rats team, Stuart Norman, Chris Waldie and Ken Hocking.
The Outback Air Race again started from Alice Springs, but this time was looped north and west to conclude in Broome. Strong support for the event came from Monadelphous, a large Australian project delivery and contract maintenance organisation that operates in many remote areas
On Monday, August 28, satellite imagery revealed only ONE cloud over the Australian continent – and that cloud was over Alice Springs! Dodging showers, the RFDS pastor blessed the fleet and we took off Northwards, to finer weather, at Barkly Homestead. The following two-day stopover at Adels Grove, an air race favourite, featured the running of the “Melbourne Cup” – a fiercely-contested and heavily-wagered affair involving hobbled humans and cane toads (we were in Queensland, after all).
After Adel’s Grove we followed the Gulf of Carpentaria to Borroloola – a remote, mostly aboriginal community – where we found that the hotel had changed hands and the outgoing management had inconveniently neglected to advise the newcomers of our booking and impending arrival. In fine Australian tradition, much improvisation took place and we all were found accommodation of some kind. The meal at the Cafe was an absolute triumph of outback hospitality.
At Cooinda, in the Kakadu National Park, many of us made the acquaintance of Pluto, a four-metre saltwater crocodile so known because he ate a dog of that name! Everyone was impressed with the breathtaking scenery and teeming birdlife. At Daly River, we were entertained by the Army Rock Band, who travelled five hours by bus from Darwin to entertain the mob.
We spent two days at the Bungle Bungles, walking in to see close up the beehive formations we’d marvelled at from the air. Drysdale River Station, memorable for a swim in the river after assurances from locals that the crocs were on holiday further north, was also the scene for the Bush Poets night, won by Don Rechichi.
Next stop was Truscott, where the accommodation was pretty basic, apart from the luxury tent – complete with double bed – brought in by Tasmanian hoteliers Peter and Susan Scollard in their Piper Seneca.
The race ended in Broome with a slap-up party at Matso’s restaurant, where overall winners Rob Mackley and Huib “Hoby” Volker turned up as a pair of skanky Kiwi slappers. Charity Queens were Chris and Kathy Littlemore, of Balranald, NSW, who had one or two moments of drama in their Jabiru when the engine decided to take a temporary rest in flight over the water near Derby.

Above: teams Briefing hard at Truscott Air Base 2006
The event, starting in Broome on August 26 and ending in Airlie Beach, Queensland, 11 days later, attracted 60 entrants in 22 aircraft – including three twins and a helicopter. It was won by an enthusiastic young crew, commercial pilots Peter and Rebekah Mayer, aided by Bek’s dad Ron, flying a Cessna 177RG.
Entrants came from as far afield as New Zealand, Tasmania, Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland and various parts of WA.
Before the start, pilots and crews gathered for an Aboriginal Welcome to Country before the first plane took off about 10 am. A steady stream followed, heading for El Questro Station. At Emma Gorge, where the fairly short strip tested pilots’ skills, crews were billeted in wonderful eco-tents complete with en-suite. Most took the opportunity to trek up the gorge for a swim under a waterfall cascading hundreds of feet down from the Cockburn Range.
Aircraft took off next morning at a leisurely pace for fuel at Kununurra before heading off on the second leg to Katherine, over the border in the Northern Territory. After a fairly hot and bumpy trip we landed at Tindal Air Force base. Everyone was pretty happy to swill down that first beer when our bus delivered us to the Katherine Motel. Our hosts, Mark and Fiona, gave us a marvellous welcome and arranged a blowout fundraiser: two female and two male “strippers” wearing vast amounts of clothing to be auctioned, layer by layer! They also invited a brilliant stock auctioneer called Darryl to conduct proceedings, flogging off each bit of clothing the girls and boys removed. Only down to jocks, bras and panties, mind, though the bidding got very spirited when the girls were in their skimpies.
Next morning most of us took a boat tour of Katherine Gorge. What a great experience! Our Aboriginal guide had a wicked sense of humour and great knowledge of the history and culture of the Nitmiluk National Park, through which the Katherine River runs. The grandeur and beauty of the place made a great impression on us all. So did the coolness of the water when we finished off with a swim – and not a crocodile in sight.

2009 Competitors prepare for a Cruise in the Katherine Gorge
The temperature was already well into the 30s when the field set off from Tindal on for the relatively short leg to Tennant Creek, on the edge of the Tanami Desert. The heat of the day had nothing on the warmth of the welcome we were given at Tennant Creek, where the Barkly Shire CEO, Jeff Sowiak, and his wife, Jeanette, had organised the local Lions and Rotary clubs to ferry us into our motel. They had also set up a great dinner and fundraiser at the Memorial Club, which is the social centre of Tennant and a terrific watering hole.
From Tennant the field headed north and east for Sweers Island, a tiny speck in the Gulf of Carpentaria which probably has more European history per square metre than anywhere in remote Australia. Tex and Lyn, who own the lease on the southern part of the island and have lived there for 22 years, made us royally welcome with a slap-up dinner and plenty of cold beer etc. Tex is something of a local historian and took us on a tour of the island the next morning, explaining Sweers’s connection to Europe and other parts of the world since Dutch explorer Abel Tasman landed there. Matthew Flinders called there in 1802 on his circumnavigation to map terra australis. The island played home to the mainland town of Burketown at one stage when malaria drove the population to seek shelter elsewhere after half of them died. Graves and memorials mark many of these early happenings.
Entrants took part in the World’s Wackiest Horse Race on the second day at Sweers. Various pilots and crew with some very dodgy form were auctioned off as horses, and bets were laid as the starters awaited the signal. The meeting was about as straight as a one-legged glockenspiel, but a good time was had by all.
A swag of aircraft headed for Karumba or Burketown on Tuesday to get fuel for planes and crew. It was a murky day with lots of smoke, but no cloud. It was great to see the mighty Pacific ahead, after the trip across Cape York Peninsula, as we descended into Cooktown, where the locals had arranged a full program.
On Tuesday night our Charity King and Queen – the crew who raised the most for the Flying Doctor – were crowned. Well done Peter and Janelle DuBois and the ugly sister, Peter Peebles, whose fundraising total was $23,000. Chris and Kathy Littlemore, the charity winners from the 2006 race, came up from Balranald, in western NSW, to hand over the crown.
Our next stop, climbing over the Great Dividing Rang, was Undara, home to a series of 140-million-year-old lava tubes This unusual destination provides just about everything you need at a watering hole, with very friendly staff and well-informed guides who showed us through the tunnels and explained their significance. Racers kicked over the traces that night at the Red Faces performance, where good taste was thrown to the winds. A huge variety of acts had everyone in stitches.
The next night saw the staging of Bush Poets, which attracted some wonderful entries ranging from the sublime to the ridiculous. Winner was Lance Collins, a member of the Rats team, whose poem was considered a top-class reflection of the contest’s ideals.
Next stop Airlie Beach – the finish! The approach to Shute Harbour airport was a bit of an eye-opener to first-timers. It’s in a very narrow gap between hills and there were some interesting landings.
Our evening end-of-race party was a cracker, at Capers Restaurant in downtown Airlie Beach. Team Isis (Cessna 177RG were popular winners. Second were U2Yahoo (Mooney M20J): Gina Noblett and Neil Maxfield. Third place went to the 2006 race winners, Team Kiwi (Mooney Ovation): Rob Mackley, Huib Volker and Paula Jackson. Spirit of the Air Race award, for the team judged to have made the greatest contribution to good sportsmanship, fun and enjoyment, went to The Cockies: Greg Ball, Alan Thompson and Michael Taylor, of Wagin, WA.
Teams made their way to the starting line in Ceduna, providing some great photo opportunities along the way
The southern right whales had been very active in the bight, with over 400 reported by the local commercial operators and many seen by participants overhead the 300ft cliff faces along the coast.
The 2012 Route was Ceduna – Arkaroola – Innamincka – Charleville – Longreach – Cloncurry – Adels Grove – Mataranka – Darwin.
Departure from Ceduna was a great chance for a photo with an RFDS aircraft and crew.
Most arrived safely at Arkaroola, a short strip of 650 metres with some challenging winds. Others elected wisely to land at nearby Barcanoona strip, a longer bitumen strip.
nominated time and this means they had responsibility for the “leg”; a mannequin leg resplendent in stiletto and garter. Leg winners harass the locals for donations to fill the hollow leg.
On the rest day at Arkaroola, most racers enjoyed hiking or an organised ridge top tour with an astrological tour in the evening. The leg winners for this leg were the Bald Eagles, coming within 14 seconds of their nominated time and this means they had responsibility for the “leg”; a mannequin leg resplendent in stiletto and garter. Leg winners harass the locals for donations to fill the race leg.
We left Arkaroola for Innamincka, what a busy place, with Birdsville race goers enroute as well as our large crew invading the town. After settling in, most racers enjoyed a leisurely river cruise up the Cooper, followed by a big night with a Hawaiian theme at the Innamincka pub.
Air racers arrived in Charleville throughout the day as teams went elsewhere to see othee local sights enroute. A number went to the Dig Tree site to view the tree where Burke buried supplies.
A short hop to Longreach from Charleville but with so much to see we all got off to an early start. Upon arrival in gorgeous weather, teams cruised through the Qantas Founder’s Museum, the Stockman’s Hall of Fame and a few enjoyed another leisurely river cruise up the Thomson.
One of the leg winners was trolling the street in the afternoon looking for donations when he was challenged by police and identification requested. We couldn’t understand why a man walking around accosting strangers with a golden life size leg thrown over one shoulder would draw police attention. It was a great story for the evening fines segment and like a good fishing, story has grown in the detail.
Everyone arrived safely in time to enjoy a fantastic country-sized meal (we will have to redo our weight and balance soon) at the Charleville lawn bowls club. Teams had been requested and an evening competition was arranged. Bliss were the leg winners for Leg three, no mean feat considering they were using mostly dead reckoning, after suffering a flight program glitch.
Departing Longreach for Cloncurry, we were warmly welcomed by community members thanks to the Cloncurry Shire Council. After being driven to our hotels and settling in, we were picked up for a welcome afternoon tea at John Flynn Place.
That evening, a fantastic fundraising event was held in our honour in the brand new Cloncurry Community Precinct Open Space. We all had a great time at this event, meeting the locals including some special seniors. The MC was a classic, reciting poetry and demonstrating his outstanding expertise as an auctioneer.
It was a relatively short hop from Cloncurry to Adel’s Grove and many chose to go direct, having heard about the relaxing atmosphere of the place. With a temperature in the mid 30’s most racers were floating in the river by mid-afternoon. After a wonderful evening meal on the deck the leg winners were announced and the golden leg was returned to the Bald Eagles with the races highest score yet of 1795 (this puts them within 2 seconds and only few meters of both of their targets!)
A fine was awarded to Billeagh for knocking the stick in the RV with her IPad sufficiently to briefly create an interesting and unusual attitude. Neil’s Flying Circus were also fined for their departure calls from Cloncurry. Aparently they thought they were in Ceduna.
The rest day in Adel’s Grove was spent relaxing, touring or swimming and it was with some reluctance that the racers had to pile back into their air craft for leg 7 – the draw card being the next stop was Mataranka.
We departed Adel’s Grove with most of the racers flying to Borroloola to re-fuel. After re-fueling and heading on to Mataranka, visibility gradually started decreasing as is typical this time of year across the top, due to smoke from fires. Between 60 to 30 miles out of mataranka visibility was at its worst and gave the racers something to think about in order to continue their flights safely. Some diverted and others descended to a lower level where visibility was better. Fortunately, Mataranka itself was unaffected and we all landed safely.
A number of items were auctioned off and a raffle also made quite a bit for the RFDS. Finally, the leg winners were announced and for the third time – Bald Eagles.
Finally after 12 days of the most amazing country covering thousands of kilometres and the final challenge of entering Darwin Airspace, all racers arrived safely. Our final dinner saw the red dust washed off and the frocks and dress shirts dragged out of the bottom of the bag. Racers were awarded their participant medals and overall race winners were Superfly!! Who could believe that the scorer won the race, some might think it dodgy but Peter and Ed both have honest faces. They don’t seem to have made the connection between this win and their aircraft battery problems as yet. The Spirit of the Air Race Award went to Grant who travelled with Bliss and the team who raised the most funds for the RFDS was Team GFR.
Overall, this race beat its target of $250,000 raised for the RFDS. As the teams scatter from Darwin to the four winds as they return to their home grounds around Australia, we all reflect with great fondness on our amazing experiences with other passionate aviators, our new found friends, and the pride we feel to have made such a great contribution to one of the stalwarts of the great outback.
2012 Photo Gallery

Outback Air Race 2015, the most successful to date in terms of fundraising, and involving seventy participants in twenty six aircraft, traversed the country from West to East. The route commenced in Esperance, and then led to Forrest, Yulara, Alice Springs, Birdsville, Winton, Karumba and Cooktown, prior to concluding on beautiful Hamilton Island.
The event got off to a rocky start, with bad weather preventing most of the East coast contingent from reaching Esperance. However, the field was re-united at Forrest on Day 2 where the more Northern areas of the country enjoyed clear weather for the remainder of the event. The permanent crew at Forrest (population 2) put in a mighty effort and easily accommodated, fed and entertained the seventy air race visitors.
After departing Forrest, The icon Ayer’s Rock soon appeared in the distance and race goers were treated to walking tours around the monolith.
Onwards to Alice Springs, and then the iconic Birdsville, for a dusk visit to the Big Red sand dunes West of town, to watch the sunset over the desert over some cold drinks.
In Winton, we stayed at the beautiful and historic Gregory Hotel, where we were treated to an impromptu singalong to Waltzing Matilda, famously composed by Banjo Patterson in the area. Tours in the area included the Australian Age of Dinosaurs.
Karumba, the prawn capital of Australia, did not disappoint and put on one of the best seafood buffets one could imagine, topping off a great evening for those that took the boat cruise on the Gulf.
Eastwards to the Pacific and Cooktown, where the local pub was taken over for one of Tony “Amigo” Mitchell’s one man concerts.
The flight South over the tropical waters culminating at Hamilton Island was truly spectacular and a privilege to fly over. The Finale Dinner, held at the resort, was a fitting end to the fantastic 2015 event, etching indelible memories for those present.
Winning teams in the Outback Air Race 2015 included:
- Overall Winners – the Rocketeers – Chris Stevenson and Wayne Ovens
- Highest Fundraiser – Lawson Grains $57,026
- Highest Participant Fundraiser and 2nd highest fundraising team – Mittagong 210ers $45,278
The 2015 event raised a record $585,000.
The 2015 Outback Air Race gratefully acknowledges the principal sponsor Steadfast Foundation; major sponsors The Classic Safari Company and Summit Fleet Leasing; leg sponsors Paraway Pastoral Co, AvPlan EFB, Clisdells, Stuck on You and Lawson Grains.
The Outback Air Race for 2018 saw a record number of entries with 37 Aircraft participating in the event with over 80 individuals embarking on this epic journey across Australia for a great cause. The target was to raise $500,000 for the Royal Flying Doctor Service which was exceeded with $550,000 being raised on this fantastic event. The Outback Air Race has raised over $3m since it’s inception.
The route went from Archerfield to Longreach, Bundaberg, Longreach, Mt Isa, Adels Grove, Daly Waters, Katherine, Kununarra and finally Broome.
The winners of the race, Show Me The Mooney, 1 of 4 Coffs Harbour entries, were consistent throughout the race with Race Villains and Bad Mooney rising coming in 2nd and 3rd. Teams came from all over Australia to participate in this fantastic event, which came 2nd to the Invictus Games in the Australian Event Awards in 2019.
Fundraising doesn’t end with the start of the race, with each town visited providing extra opportunities to raise funds locally for this well received service. The highlights too for the participants were swimming with crocs, touring the Bundaberg Rum Distillery, wing walk at Longreach, Hawaiian night at Adel’s Grove, the Bush Poets competition at Daly Waters, finishing off with the customary Camels at Sunset on Cable Beach, Broome.
Lots of great friends were made on the race and a bit of friendly rivalry thoughout the trip added to the task at hand, to raise much needed funds to keep the Royal Flying Doctor Service in the air for the outback communities that rely so heavily upon them.

The first leg set off for Cooinda on the 29th August 2022 and saw the Wacky Warbo’s come in first, leading from Show me the Mooney, and the Tassie Devils. The teams took in the beautiful scenery of the Yellow Water Billabong on an evening cruise with a knowledgeable, entertaining indigenous guide, noting large snappy handbags, brolgas and jabiru as they cruised along keeping all extremities carefully inside the boat.
The next morning after a refuel from a mobile fuel truck, which hit the Black Opal team firmly in the wallet, the teams headed off for Adels Grove. Stopping for fuel at Borroloola, whistling kites put on a spectacular display above the field causing a few pilots to gaze skyward and mutter. The Wacky Warbo’s came in first despite being the last team to arrive, with Show me the Mooney in 2nd, and the teams enjoyed a relaxing dinner in the outdoor kitchen. The second leg win in a row for the Warbo’s lead to some wild speculation on top secret military maps, and endless secret missions flown in darkness by the team in preparation for the race.
The 31st August was a rest day and the teams explored the beautiful Lawn Hill gorge, the Warbo’s grabbing a suitably sized life vest for the leg to ensure its safety at all times while kayaking in the gorge. The redneck Aviation team taking an opportunity to raise a few additional dollars for the RFDS by taking the local backpackers for a flight or two.
The 1st September saw everyone up bright and early, which could have been due to the lack of blinds in the dongers, to start the next leg. The teams set off for Karumba, heading up and over the edges of the gulf of Carpentaria. The Alligator River was stunning from the air and the vast expanse of the scrub seemed endless.
Arriving in Karumba, Triple Whiskey on the rocks took the leg from the Warbo’s by 1 point. The leg was handed over as the teams relaxed by the beach at the beautiful Sunset Tavern and enjoyed a Hawaiian themed dinner where the team mascots came out to play. A rest day here allowed for an afternoon beer and prawns on a tidal sand island in the gulf, providing a perfect photo opportunity and the RV Renegades grabbed some spectacular drone shots from above the gathering. Redneck aviation provided exceptional PR services for the race once again by flying a mercy mission to nearby Mornington Island to ferry a stranded boat builder to fix a problem on a prawn trawler, after his scheduled flight was unable to fly. The pilot declaring it was the strongest cross wind he’s ever landed in with the sock standing rigidly at 90 degrees.
The 3rd September saw the teams set off from Karumba bound for Shute Harbour, with the Warbo’s taking the opportunity to do a bit of formation flying with the Stearman on the way. Stopping to refuel in Hughenden saw an impressive lineup at the bowser and a chance for a bit of good natured ribbing and opportunity for the fines master to observe and record some of the days more obvious indiscretions. On arriving in Shute Harbour the leg once again changed hands with the Triple Whiskey team handing over to the RV Renegades, and the Warbo’s coming in .3 points behind.
September 4th was a rest day and the teams took a chance to look around the beautiful scenery and perfect beaches, although the Irukandji removed all appetite for swimming for anyone but the brave or foolhardy. The fundraising race really started to take off with the Comanche Flyers and Tait auto group leap-frogging the top spot in 20 minute increments.
The morning of the 5th September dawned clear and sunny, and the teams headed for Gladstone. Arriving in Gladstone Team ZIC took the honours with Show me the Mooney in second place. The teams settled into their hotels and met up on the harbour for a beautiful evening cruise up the river, noting all of the local history. The cruise was provided thanks to the generosity of the 210 Fast and Furious team who shared their love of their hometown with the teams.
The 6th was a rest day and the teams took the opportunity for guided tours around Gladstone and surrounds, the exceptions being Tait auto and the Comanche’s who were stuck in hotel rooms ringing around gathering donations from near and far to add to their total in the now ramping up battle of the biggest fundraiser.
The 7th dawned a gloomy morning and the teams hurried to leave for Roma before the storms set in, with some teams opting to remain in Gladstone until later in the day rather than risking the weather.
Landing in Roma, Show me the Mooney secured the leg with TwoUp, Warbo’s and team ZIC just behind. The teams took the afternoon to explore the local statues and artworks, meeting at the Big Rig for afternoon drinks and canapes before an evening show about the Big Rig and Roma’s history and a pleasant dinner at the hotel, with tall tales of superior race skill in abundance.
The morning of the 8th September, after some discussions and the presentation of a “secret map” to Taity by the Warbo’s, the teams left Roma for Goondiwindi and the final legs of the race. Landing in Goondiwindi, Team ZIC took line honours from Lake Grace Airlines, Tassy Devils and the Warbo’s. Dinner at the local pub was enjoyable apart from the kidnapping of red dog, and the fines master punished all suspects with heavy fines for their suspicious behaviours.
The 9th September rest day in Goondiwindi saw the teams take some local tours thanks to Tait Auto Group, a bit of shopping for the ladies at a local boutique, and the Race Bush Poetry Night in the evening. The talent was top notch, and the battle for the win hotly contested, with the flight attendant from the Wacky Warbo’s just getting over the line in front with a rewrite of the Man from Snowy River that would make Banjo Patterson cry.
The final leg of the race left Goondiwindi on the 10th September, flying in over the coastline for some spectacular scenery as they approached Coffs Harbour. The leg results were not disclosed as the race was done and the results would be given at the finale dinner. Most of the teams took the rest day on the 11th to explore the beautiful coastline and partake in some whale watching tours.
The final dinner for the race was held on the 11th September at the Coffs Harbour Surf lifesaving club. The Wacky Warbo’s were declared race winners. And line honours for the fundraising went to Tait Auto Group beating the Comanche’s to take the top spot with a fantastic total of well over $100,000. The race target for 2022 was to raise $500,000 but a cheque for $750,000 was presented to the RFDS on the night.
The teams packed up slowly on the morning of the 12th and a sense of melancholy was evident as goodbyes were said to each departing team. The race was a success, not only for the fundraising, but also for the camaraderie, and the light hearted, fun filled adventure. The teams all agreed the flying was spectacular, the cause was worthy and there was a load of fun between the legs!